When I was visiting Tammie in LA, we went to the International House of Silk and Woolens. Tammie, who doesn't sew for herself all that often, found the fabric right away. It was a cotton print, with blurry black and white faces on a white background. She was like, "what could I make with this?!" and I was like, "girl, a rad tunic for 80's night!". And then I remembered how the socks I had knit for her birthday last year got lost in the mail, so she never really received a gift from me. And at the time, I was looking to get some more of my personal patternmaking started. So I took this as an opportunity to purchase the fabric, make a tunic pattern to fit Tammie, and stitch it up for her as a post-birthday gift.

The pattern is a pull-over, with no zipper or button closures. I gave it a little dolman-feeling sleeve, but didn't drop the armhole that much to leave some to the imagination. It's about to the high hip in length, and unlined.

I totally tried on the tunic before shipping it off, and it was pretty damn awesome. It is now on my list of Spring clothes to make for myself. I'm also in the works of getting a better picture of Tammie wearing it, because the one she texted me of her in the bathroom is a little late on a Friday night.