But I'm thinking he could use these now for biking to work, so he might just have an early birthday gift coming his way.
A few years back, Mike requested that I knit him some arm warmers for his birthday. Mike is a very tall guy, and sometimes has a hard time with sleeve lengths. The idea was that these wrist warmers would help with the length of his winter coat.
Well, as usual, I got busy and didn't get around to knitting them until now. I've had the pattern, yarn, everything. Just never got around to it. But they have turned out lovely and I think they will fit him wonderfully!
I purchased Cascade 220 wool yarn from Weaving Works, and one skein made both warmers. The pattern was a Knitty pattern from back in 2007 called Dashing. It is the men's version of the warmer, and I must say, I'm glad that Mike is a big guy because these warmers turn out very, very long. I do wish there were more cables in them as well. Now that I have made the pattern, I will definitely make my notes to tailor them a bit better for future recipients.

The yarn was a breeze to use and knit up fairly quickly. If I had more hours in the day, everyone would get a pair of these for holiday!
These songs are part of my Summer 2010 playlist. Since Labor Day has ended, I think it is time to commit to these songs and start sending them out to my friends for a good listen.
playlist: mike's a little more dashing
"glitter" - no age
"mouthful of diamonds" - phantogram
"round and round" - ariel pink's haunted graffiti
"to the east" - electrelane
"marathon" - tennis
"jesus" - dom
"heart to tell" - the love language
"sleepy tigers" - her space holiday
"from the mouth of gabriel" - sufjan stevens
I love these! So cute!